Datacode is an experimental project based on the production of audio / video material designed in Cycling'74 Max to specific software for A / V production. --- The teacher is graduated at Stanford University in "Programming Max: Structuring Interactive Software for Digital Arts". ------------------------------------------------------------------ データコード 〔Dētakōdo〕 - ::DATACODE:: //BIO Non-linear composition, generative process, analog and digital techniques for an extensive research in sound design. "Post-digital Research" aims at exploring what, in the afterglow of digital art and culture, lies beyond the digital as a form of existence. We are witnessing fundamental changes: we no longer distinguish between online and off-line or analogue and digital practices. It has become embedded in almost every contemporary aesthetic practice. In this, our focus of attention somewhat shifts: we become interested in the renewed significance of the technologies we left behind (the role of print, magnetic tapes, floppy disks, etc.). We do not wish to claim a research interest in a future predetermined by the digital, nor do we want to do away with the digital. Instead we will attempt to explore how to practice research in a culture where the digital has become a cultural residue that consumes resources, even producing new forms of trash and overloaded forms of existence. the aesthetics and politics of the digital "during the transition to new cultural forms are still unknown to us". With this call for "Post-digital Research" we do not wish to set a particular direction for research, but rather provide a speculative and experimental framework for research in a post-digital culture. We therefore invite proposals that take diverse perspectives to open up some of the paradoxes of contemporary thinking and technologically-informed artistic practice after the digital. データコード tells of abstract ambient soundscapes, surrounded by residual datas, randomly memory allocations, transmission problems, video signals, h/v sync, interferences, distortions, glitch, granular techniques and no-input noise to access certain parts of the mind through contemporary and avant-garde experimental music.